Fluent Fiction - Japanese

Fluent Fiction - Japanese


Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.


Categories: Education

Listen to the last episode:

Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Kurigohan Heartstrings: Family Bonds Over Autumn's Table
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ja: 秋の風が爽やかに吹く午後、桜は久しぶりに故郷の家に戻ってきました。
En: On an afternoon with a refreshing autumn breeze, Sakura returned to her hometown home after a long time.

Ja: 大きな家は、色とりどりの秋の木々に囲まれ、温かみのある雰囲気に包まれています。
En: The large house, surrounded by colorful autumn trees, was enveloped in a warm atmosphere.

Ja: 広々としたキッチンでは、香辛料の心地よい香りが漂い、リビングからは柔らかな笑い声が聞こえます。
En: In the spacious kitchen, the pleasant aroma of spices lingered, and from the living room, soft laughter could be heard.

Ja: 桜はキッチンに立ち、昔祖母が作ってくれた特別な料理を作ることにしました。
En: Sakura stood in the kitchen, deciding to make a special dish her grandmother used to prepare.

Ja: それは栗ごはんと、肉じゃがです。
En: It was kurigohan (chestnut rice) and nikujaga (meat and potato stew).

Ja: 優しい祖母の笑顔を思い出しながら、桜は具材を丁寧に扱いました。
En: Remembering her kind grandmother's smile, Sakura carefully handled the ingredients.

Ja: 懐かしい料理で家族をもう一度つなぎ、豊かで心のこもった集まりを再現することを願っています。
En: She hoped to reconnect her family with the nostalgic dishes and recreate a rich, heartfelt gathering.

Ja: しばらく後、兄の隆がキッチンにやってきました。
En: After a while, her brother Takashi came into the kitchen.

Ja: "手伝おうか?"と言いながら、彼はにっこりと笑いました。
En: "Can I help?" he asked with a smile.

Ja: 桜はうなずき、兄と一緒に料理を進めます。
En: Sakura nodded, and together with her brother, she continued cooking.

Ja: 弟の愛子もやがてキッチンに現れました。
En: Her younger sister Aiko soon appeared in the kitchen as well.

Ja: "どんな料理?"と興味津々に聞き、手伝い始めました。
En: "What are you cooking?" she asked curiously and began to help.

Ja: 家族みんなが集まる時間が近づくと、キッチンは忙しくなりました。
En: As the time for everyone to gather drew near, the kitchen became busier.

Ja: しかし、桜の心の中には一抹の不安がありました。
En: However, Sakura felt a tinge of anxiety.

Ja: ここ数年、家族は皆それぞれ忙しく、以前のように集まることが少なくなっていました。
En: In recent years, each family member had been busy, gathering less frequently than before.

Ja: 同じ暖かさを取り戻すことはできるだろうか、と彼女は思います。
En: She wondered if they could regain the same warmth.

Ja: 料理がほぼできあがるころ、母がリビングから声をかけます。「みんな、準備はいいかしら?」
En: As the dishes were nearly ready, their mother called from the living room, "Is everyone ready?"

Ja: その声に、家族は次々とテーブルに集まってきました。
En: In response, the family gradually gathered around the table.

Ja: しかし、そのとき、長年の家族の誤解が浮上し、突然、部屋の中の空気が張り詰めました。
En: But then, long-standing family misunderstandings surfaced, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

Ja: 桜は動揺しましたが、心を落ち着け深呼吸しました。
En: Sakura, though unsettled, calmed herself with a deep breath.

Ja: そして、「皆で一緒に栗ごはんを食べましょう。これを食べながら話し合いませんか?」と提案しました。
En: She then suggested, "Why don't we all eat kurigohan together and talk about it?"

Ja: その言葉に、家族は少しずつ心を開き始め、一つひとつ誤解を解いていきました。
En: At her words, the family slowly began to open their hearts, resolving misunderstandings one by one.

Ja: 食事が進むにつれて、雰囲気も次第に和やかになり、最後にはみんな笑顔で食卓を囲んでいました。
En: As the meal progressed, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed, and in the end, everyone was gathered around the table with smiles.

Ja: 桜は、料理が家族をつなぎとめる力を持っていることを実感しました。
En: Sakura realized the power of food to bind families together.

Ja: この集まりの後、桜は大切なことを学びました。環境は変わっても、家族の絆そのものは変わらないこと。
En: After this gathering, Sakura learned an important lesson: even if the environment changes, the family bonds themselves do not change.

Ja: 新しいダイナミクスを受け入れながらも、家族の心の中心は変わらずそこにあります。
En: While...

Previous episodes

  • 385 - Kurigohan Heartstrings: Family Bonds Over Autumn's Table 
    Wed, 23 Oct 2024
  • 384 - Bridging Generations: A Heartfelt Reunion at Kōyasan 
    Tue, 22 Oct 2024
  • 383 - Trapped Amongst Leaves: Haruto's Autumn Epiphany 
    Mon, 21 Oct 2024
  • 382 - Capturing Kyoto: Haruki's Journey to Trust His Lens 
    Sun, 20 Oct 2024
  • 381 - Glimmer of Hope: Courage and Unity in a Desolate Town 
    Sat, 19 Oct 2024
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